Intercooler 0.9.1 Released
28 December 2015

I have released intercooler v0.9.1, available on the main site, as well as through bower.

This is mostly a bug-fix release, but it does contain one new attribute, the ic-action attribute I discussed earlier:

This lets you implement purely client-side actions in intercooler without a server request:

<button ic-action=“fadeOut;remove” ic-target=“closest div”>Close</button>

This would fade out and then remove the closest div to the button, using the proper callback mechanism in jQuery. Documentation and examples are here:

This concludes the client-side functionality of intercooler (everything else should be done using standard jQuery techniques) :)

The remaining outstanding items on the road to 1.0 are:

I hope to have both of these done at some point in January, and we can all have a big 1.0 launch party:

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